Esempio di Messaggio Completo (parte I, II e III)

Address |
From ITA To FRA and REMPEC |
Date Time Group |
181100z june |
Identification |
Serial Number |
1. |
Date and Time |
1. |
181000z |
2. |
Position |
2. |
43°31’N - 09°54’E |
3. |
Incident |
3. |
Tanker collision |
4. |
Outflow |
4. |
Crude oil, estimated 3000 tonnes |
41. |
Position and/or extent of pol-lution 0n/above/in sea
41. |
The oil is forming a slick 0.5 nautical miles. |
42 |
Charcteristics of pollution |
42. |
Venezuela crude. Viscosity 3780 cSt at 37.8°C. Rather viscous. |
43. |
Source and cause of pollution |
43. |
Italian tanker POLLUX of Genoa, 22000 GRT, call sign xxx in collision with French bulk carrier CASTOR of Marseille, 30000 GRT, call sign yyy. Two tanks damaged in POLLUX. No damage in CASTOR. |
44. |
Wind direction and speed |
44. |
90 - 10 m/s. |
45. |
Current direction and speed and/or tide |
45. |
180 - 0.3 knots. |
46. |
Sea state and visibility |
46. |
Wave height 2 m. 10 nautical miles. |
47. |
Drift of pollution |
47. |
240 - 0.5 knots. |
48. |
Forecast of likely effects of pollution and zones affected |
48. |
Could reach Corsica, FRA on th 21st of this month. |
49. |
Identity of observer/reporter Identity of ships on scene |
49. |
CASTOR, figure 43 refers. |
50 |
Action taken |
50. |
3 italian antipollution vessels with high oil recovery and dispersant spraying capacity on route to the area. |
51. |
Photographs or samples |
51. |
Oil samples have been taken. Telex 123456 XYZ ITA. |
52 |
Names of other States and organizations informed |
52. |
53. |
Spare |
53. |
Italian national contingency plan is activated. |
81 |
Request for assistance |
81. |
FRA is requested for 1 surveillance aircraft with remote sensing equipment. |
82. |
Cost |
82. |
FRA is requested for an approximate cost rate per day of assistance rendered. |
83. |
Pre - arrangements for the delivery of assistance |
83. |
FRA plane will be allowed to enter. |
84. |
To where assistance should be rendered and how |
84. |
Rendez-vous 43°15’N - 09°50’E. Report on VHF channels 16 and 67. OSC Cdr. Rossi - M/V MICHELE FIORILLO call sign xxx. |
99 |
Acknowledge |
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